With our strong relationship with potential investors we can help you identifying smart money for your success. Our closest ally is RBVCapital, our Chairman Robert Karl, Partner in RBVCapital.
We partner for combined success and also consider investing ourselves through financing and resources. We are hands on, flexible and experienced, scroll down to learn more!
Our newest platform, bringing innovation to and from Russia/CIS. We have already started working with a variety of companies and always seek interested partners to source innovation!
We partner with early stage developments and start-up companies and early stage developments
We work as a trusted partner in a variety of areas of the company in shaping them towards a successful future
We take a proactive approach and work with and in the companies, managing a variety of areas
We already work with a number of companies in Central Eastern Europe and we build an innovation bridge between Russia/CIS and Europe
Our team comprises of long years operational managers in various segments of the industry
We are flexible in offering different models of cooperation – from a fee-for-services model to equity sharing or a mixture thereof